A Fils for Your Thoughts

March 20, 2008

“Doing” a Project

Filed under: GTD — Haider @ 10:53 am

One of the most useful insights for me from the GTD system is the distinction between an action and a project. This distinction can easily be blurred, which leads to procrastination. I tend to blur the lines between the two from 5 to 50 times in one day, and this is usually the key factor that determines how productive I am during the day.

So what is the difference between the two, and why is it so important? (more…)

March 19, 2008

Damaging Self-Honesty

Filed under: Belief,Ethics,Islam — Haider @ 2:16 pm

I was about to write an exercise on self-honesty and self-examination, and how we can clarify our thinking and tackle the thoughts we’ve been desperately avoiding. However, I came to the unexpected realization that self-honesty might not be the best solution for everybody. This was a surprise for me, because I thought that self-honesty can help us resolve the major problems we face in life. But the problem isn’t really with us, but with the ideas that we have come to accept. (more…)

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